Questions to Ask before You Choose a General Contractor

You might probably know that a general contractor is a professional on whom you can depend upon during a construction project. This professional oversees the entire construction process and ensures that project goal is achieved on-time and on-budget as per the project plan. Whether it is a big or small, residential, commercial or governmental construction project, hiring the services of a general contractor is the best idea.

Today you will find many general contractors in your locality. You can ascertain who is good and who is bad only by knowing certain things about them, and the best way to know those things is by asking a few questions. Once you know the certain things about a general contractor (in the form of answers to the questions you will be asking), you will have a fair idea about whether to hire that contractor or not. All right, let us proceed with the questions that you need to ask to a general contractor, which you are considering to hire.

  • Are you licensed? This is a basic, yet the most important question that you need to ask to the contractor. License requirement is not mandatory in some states of the United States; however, having a license shows that the general contractor is reliable and competent. There are no defined qualifications to become a general contractor; however, almost every contractor obtains license only after achieving a bachelor’ degree. Thus, when you hire a licensed contractor, you can rest assured that he has enough skills to handle the project efficiently.
  • Do you have general liability insurance? Such insurance protects your home in case of any damage or negligence caused by the general contractor or his subordinates. Remember not only to ask about it, but verify the general liability insurance with a hardcopy of it.
  • Do you have enough workers compensation insurance? Such insurance covers the subordinates of the general contractor in case of any accident or injury happening to them at the work site. You will not be liable for any medical expenses. It is the general contractor and his workers compensation insurance that cover such medical expenses.
  • Can you arrange for the building permits? Of course, you can obtain the building permits by yourself, but you should know that it is a big hassle. It would be a worthwhile if the contractor could arrange the building permits. You will not have to deal with the hustle and bustle of obtaining the permit.
  • Would you itemize your bid? An itemized bid takes much of the mystery out of the billing process. You will have a chance to know where your money will be going. By knowing this, you will be able to explore other options in place of big tag items, which will eventually help you save money.
  • Who are your subcontractors? Knowing about the general contractor’s subcontractors is a good way to gauge the overall cost of the project. It is equally important to know about those subcontractors who will be working on your project.
  • Who are your suppliers? Knowing about the general contractor’s suppliers will help you ascertain about the quality of material you will be getting for your project.
  • How often will you show up at the job site? This is essential to know since the contractor’s subordinates will work efficiently only when the boss (the general contractor) is around. If the contractor is often absent at the job site, his subordinates will usually slack off.
  • Can you give me a timeline? Asking for an approximate timeline is vital since with a rough timeline at hand you will be able to gauge the progress of your project properly. Besides, with a rough timeline at hand, you will also be able to make other arrangements.
  • How many years of experience you have as a general contractor? Experience is the key to successful completion of the project. When the general contractor has significant years of experience, he will not only adeptly manage his subordinates, but your project, as well. Besides, with enough experience, he will be able to solve any construction related problem, quickly and easily.

Keep in mind that you will want to hire a general contractor whom you can not only trust and afford, but also one with whom you can get along easily. To realize your project, you will be working along with this professional; hence, ask the above questions and be at ease, of knowing that you will be working with someone honest, competent, and reliable.

About Goal Construction

Goal construction is a leading custom new home builder in Virginia. We've been building custom homes in Virginia for over 15 years. Our general contactor provides commercial construction, home remodeling & government construction services in VA. Contact us to build your dream home.
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